today i went to immigration again to extend my visa. i'm really loving snowboarding and good times and new tomodachi here in methven. yokattane. had my application dropped off at the immigration office and what i do now is just wait.
life is pretty good now. i am liking this lifestyle. snowboarding by day, working by night. though it's tiring but good fun!
it's really good to have nice friends to ride with on the mountain. sometimes i like riding by myself as i'm more of a freestyler than a freerider. there are heaps of good japanese snowboarders. this is good as i am learning from them. it's been almost 20 times up the mountain for me but still not that good tho. i'm progressing as the day passes. i hope and i want to be as good as my friend or even better than my snowboarding sensei.
not sure if i mentioned this before but i am getting a bit homesick now. missing the food and ppl back home. especially my family and my homies. before i came to nz, i always thought of wanting to work here but now i changed my mind. not that nz is not a good place to earn and live but i like to think of it as a place to travel and enjoy instead of just working my ass off like how it was before in the big capital of home country. i'm looking forward to go home soon but not so soon. i miss my cosy room and big house and also my dog. how was the beijing olympic opening? i missed it last week cos i was working at the thai restaurant. hopefully someone recorded it down so i might have a chance to view it when i am free. youtube or anything, doesn't matter.
the truth is i am dead tiring now as i woke up at 5.30am this morning to snow covered town of methven and went to christchurch with my friend driving me and another fella sleeping at the back of the car! hahha....very tiring day as i had to queue up for the immigration "lines" before it opens it doors to the public. not to mentioned my clumsy friend who left his car key in the car and we had to stand in the cold and had the mechanic to open the car's door but failed miserably. last call was the lock smith and in less than 10 seconds, the car was opened! it took us 60 dollars off our wallet : ( sadly...
anyhow, it's time for bed. till then, keep warm, at least for those in nz and cold climates!
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